Eating well during a marijuana detox is extremely important! Stay away from salts, processed foods, refined sugars, fast food, fatty meats, and fried foods. Eat plenty of leafy greens, lean to extra-lean meats, and a small amount of fruits. When reaching for snacks, try and grab seeds and nuts, or high-fiber fruits such as apples and raspberries. While Jeff Sessions seems to believe otherwise, countless studies have shown marijuana to be significantly less dangerous than other Schedule I drugs like heroin and cocaine and much safer than legal substances like alcohol and tobacco. To add insult to injury, when it comes to pre- or post-employment drug testing—which most often takes the form of a urine test—marijuana is the substance that takes the longest to get out of your system. Очередь просмотра. Tags: face-masks, smoke-weed, blaze, blunt, legalize-weed. Robert J Dole VA Medical Center 5500 E Kellogg Dr Wichita,KS 67218 (316)685-2221. Gage Green Genetics. |