Houston MC, Dzau V. Hypertension As Risk Factor.‚Äù Chapter 23 in Textbook of Vascular Medicine . Editors: Loscaizo J, Creagler M, Dzau V. (November 1992). Little, Brown and Company Publishers. Dzau V, Naftilan A, Houston MC. Hypertension Evaluation and Management. Chapter 22 in Textbook of Vascular Medicine . Editors: Loscaizo J, Creagler M, Dzau V. (November 1992). Little, Brown and Company Publishers. Houston MC. Hypertension Conn’s Current Therapy . 1995 Edition. Accepted for publication. October 1994. Houston, MC. Hypertension. Section 3 in Advances in Medicine . Editor: Edlich RF. (2000). ABI Professional Publications. Houston MC. Centrally Acting Antihypertensive Drugs. Chapter 31, Pages 339-348 in Hypertension Medicine . Edited by: Weber MA. (2001). Humana Press, Inc. Houston MC. Centrally Acting Antihypertensive Drugs . Hypertension Textbook . Edited by: Weber M. Accepted for publication, July 1999. Houston MC. Hypertension . Advances in Medicin e Textbook and Internet Web Site Publications. Edited by: Edlich RF. Accepted for publication, August 1999 (Publish Date: February 2000). Houston MC. Nutrition, Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals in Hypertension . Chapter 17, Pages 181-190 in Hypertension: Hot Topics . Edited by: Egan BM, Basile JN, Lackland DT. Hanley & Belfus, Inc., 2004. Houston Mark. Case Presentation and Extended Discussion : Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Disease and Related Conditions. Textbook of Functional Medicine. Chapter 37 :729-749. Institute for Functional Medicine 2005. Houston MC. Treatment of Hypertension with Nutraceuticals, Vitamins, Antioxidants, and Minerals . Chapter 84, Pages 719-725 in Advanced Therapy in Hypertension and Vascular Disease . Edited by Mohler III ER, Townsend RR. BC Decker Inc., 2006. Houston MC. Hypertension: Utilizing Nutrition in Treatment. Chapter 5, Pages 75-108 in Food and Nutrients in Disease Management . Edited by Kohlstadt I. CRC Press, 2009. Houston MC and Sinatra ST. Cardiovascular Disease: Diagnosis, Prevention and Therapeutic Interventions. Physician’s Guide to Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. First Edition 2010-2012. A4M Publications, Chicago, Ill. Sinatra ST and Houston MC. The Integrative Approach to Hypertension. Integrative Cardiology by Devries, S and Dalen J in Weil Integrative Medicine Library . Oxford University Press. 224-246,2011. Houston Mark. Case Presentations, Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Disease and Related Conditions: Extended Discussion . Textbook of Functional Medicine . Chapter 37: 729-749. Institute for Functional Medicine 2010. Houston , Mark C. The Role of Potassium in Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease and Hypertension. Metal Ion In Stroke. Ed Yang V. Li and John H Zhang . Springer .New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht London. 2012. Houston , Mark C. The Role of Mercury and Cadmium in Cardiovascular Disease , Hypertension and Stroke: Metal Ion In Stroke. Ed Yang V. Li and John H Zhang . Springer .New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht London. 2012. Houston, Mark. Tocotrienols in the Treatment of Dyslipidemia. In Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols. Ed Barry Tan, Ronald Watson and Victor Preedy. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis 2013. Houston Mark. Magnesium and Hypertension. In Magnesium in Human Health and Disease . Ed Watson RR, Preedy VR and Zibadi S. Humana Press 2013. Pp 183-89. Houston , Mark and DeBusk R. Dyslipidemia . In Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients . 2nd edition. Edited by Ingrid Kohlstadt . CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Fla. 2013. pp 57-81. Houston ,Mark. Hypertension. In Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients . 2nd edition. Edited by Ingrid Kohlstadt . CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Fla. 2013. pp 105-134. Houston, Mark. Hypertension: Prevention and Treatment with Nutraceucticals Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants. pp 69-98 Guide to Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine 2013-2018 Edition A4M Chicago. Houston, Mark. Dyslipidemia: Non Pharmoacologic Treatment. pp 99-150 Guide to Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine 2013-2018 Edition. A4M Chicago. Houston, Mark. Hypertension: Prevention and Treatment with Nutraceucticals Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants pp 99-128. Encyclopedia of Clinical Anti-aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies . A4M Chicago 2013 Houston, Mark. Dyslipidemia: Non Pharmoacologic Treatment pp 129-180 Encyclopedia of Clinical Anti-aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies . A4M Chicago 2013 Houston, Mark. Exercise and Health. The American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine Curriculum Study Guide. Ed Sheila Quinn and Nancy Sudak MD. July 2013. Houston Mark The Role of Nutraceutical Supplements in the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension. In Nutraceuticals and Health: Review of Human Evidence . Edited by Somdat Mahabir andYashwant V. Pathak. CRC Press and Taylor and Francis. Boca Raton, Fla. 2014. Houston MC. Dyslipidemia: Myths and Truths . Anti-Aging Therapeutics 2014; Volume XVI :91-105. Houston MC. New and Revolutionary Concepts in the Pathophysiolog, Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension. Anti-Aging Therapeutics 2014; Volume XVI :107-105. http://bilingualdesign.forinstance.org/has-cbd-oil-been-approved-by-the-fda/ It actually has an unpressed hash flavour. Much like a weed or skuff taste. This would lead me to believe it is a Nederhash derived from Bubblegum strains. Neuro1. http://preventchannel.com/?p=119930 » Lavender Essential Oil – Obtained from the steam distillation of lavender flowers, lavender essential oil has a fresh floral and powdery scent, which is soothing and calming. It’s widely used in aromatherapy massages and has health benefits of promoting better sleep, soothing skin irritations and treating depression, among others. Perhaps the most distinct terpene profile throughout the cannabis species, Skunk Berry is a true 50/50 Hybrid with an incredibly strong skunk and blueberry flavor. 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