The color of the pistils changes from bright white to rusty orange or brown at the end of the plant’s flowering phase. You will receive an email shortly at: In my experience, the POP Naturals High CBD concentrate will produce effects unlike the traditional effects of smoking cannabis flower. After just a few inhales from a vape pen, I begin to notice a clear change in my mood, energy, and focus. I feel a strong sense of calm set in after just a couple of minutes, great for dealing with my anxiety. After about 30 minutes to one hour, I’ll start to get hungrier and hungrier, presumably due to the THC in the extract. pH-D Feminine Health Support Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories (Bottle of 24) Learn more about our company at Trueberry is a mostly indica variety from Elemental Seeds and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±59 days ) and outdoors . Elemental Seeds' Trueberry is a THC dominant variety and is/was also available as feminized seeds. |